You are here: Home QE Archive QE Seminar and Colloquium Summer term 2011 Barbara Kraus, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Uni Innsbruck

Barbara Kraus, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Uni Innsbruck

Multipartite entanglement

  • Quantum Efficiency Seminar and Colloquium
When May 10, 2011
from 04:15 PM to 05:30 PM
Where FRIAS Seminarraum, Albertstr. 19, 79104 Freiburg
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Contact Phone +49 761 203 5929
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 I will first discuss the necessary and sufficient conditions for local unitary equivalence of arbitrary pure n-partite states. Then, I will focus on the entanglement properties of three-qubit states and will present a complete set of operational measures, which uniquely characterizes the non--local properties of these states.




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